Online Forms
Electronic forms are an ideal tool for capturing information in a structured way from anonymous or registered users, which allows new procedures or processes to be initiated and the people involved to be notified.
Abox ECM has a module for the creation of internal and external forms, fully configurable to allow:
- Complete graphic customization
- Integration in web pages, extranet or corporate intranet
- Linking and dependencies between fields (metadata)
- Hiding fields based on values from other fields (metadata)
- Automatic generation of documents or files
- Instantiation of new procedures or processes from the form
- Consultation of the status of the procedure by internal or external users
- Ability to generate standardized documents based on templates
- Office templates easily configurable by the administrator

This feature is ideal for a multitude of applications:
- Customer service, e.g. receiving requests, complaints, suggestions and congratulations
- Request for a new procedure, which can generate a new document or a new file in the document manager with its corresponding workflow
- Presentation of results to the client, by querying the request by its registration number or other parameters of the request.